BogglesWorth – Insomnia

BogglesWorth – Insomnia


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It’s time for another hot track on’s #FreshMixes, where we bring you music from around the world in hope you discover new artists and genres. For this edition, we’ve got a track entitled ‘Insomnia’ from BogglesWorth, an electronic music producer from Yucca Valley, California in the USA. With a driving bassline and plenty of stabs, this is a track to keep you moving.  If you can’t sleep, push play and groove because, as the producer puts it, “This song is for all the fellow insomniacs.”  Check out the track and support the artist by clicking the links below. Enjoy ElectRowers and keep checking back for more #FreshMixes!

BogglesWorth Records
BogglesWorth on Facebook
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BogglesWorth on SoundCloud