Spring is upon us, and that means it’s baseball season again! There are 10 teams in the Korean Baseball Organization (KBO) represented throughout the major cities of South Korea. Therefore, no matter where you’re living, there is a local team nearby. Baseball may not be the most elegant or noble of sports, but with a few friends on a warm day, the games can provide more then enough entertainment for a great outing. The tickets are inexpensive and can be purchased for less than 10,000 won at your local stadium ticket booth (few teams do have online ticketing in English). The stadiums also provide all the amenities of your local conviencle store, with the prices to match.
Even if you’re not a sports “fan,” the excitement of each game is contagious. Each player has their own chant which is sung by their fans. There are even choreographed “dances” used to encourage players to hit a home run. The crowd involvement is truly a spectacle that you are unlikely to witness anywhere else! For as little as 20,000 won, you can spend the afternoon in the sun watching some baseball, have some snacks and enjoy a drink with your friends!
Please visit these sites for more information:
Korean baseball news and opinion
Baseball club sites in English: